Gingrich: Democrats scaring voters using Trump is not going to work

Gingrich says voters are realizing that 'this isn't working'

Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich said Democrats' strategy to invoke fear of former President Donald Trump is not going to work because Americans are terrified of high inflation and gas prices on "The Ingraham Angle" Monday. 

NEWT GINGRICH: Here's the core problem for the Democrats: They apparently have signaled that they know in advance that tomorrow's inflation numbers are going to be staggering. They have this game where they talk about it being Putin's price hike. Nobody believes that. And so they've got average everyday voters, whether they're African-American and Latino, White, Asian — it doesn't matter. They're going to the gas station, they're trying to buy fill up their tank ... They're then going to the grocery store [and] everything's more expensive. 

And I don't care how the Democrats message it. How are you going to get people to be more frightened of some theoretical problem — you know, Donald Trump in 2024? Then the reality that people are watching the system breakdown, they're watching 18,000 people a day projected to come across the southern border ... They're watching rising crime rates, rising carjackings, and they're looking around thinking, "None of this is working." So the Democrat problem is you can't scare people enough with some political theory when they're already being frightened by the reality you've created.


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