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Former New York Gov. George Pataki said on Thursday's "Fox News Rundown" podcast that voting for Joe Biden over President Trump would be difficult due to the 2020 Democratic frontrunner’s friendly posture toward China.

“I would find [voting for Biden] very hard. You know, in particular, I think one of the positives, one of the many positives that President Trump has brought out is the fact that China is a very powerful and serious adversary,” the former Republican presidential candidate told host Dave Anthony.

“And you look at former Vice President Biden's comments, you know, that China doesn't pose a threat. You look at the fact that his son [Hunter Biden] is on the board of a Chinese government-funded company that got a billion and a half dollars.”


“And to me, one of the big issues this November is going to be China and our relationship with China. And that I think President Trump is right. And so far, I think Joe Biden has been completely wrong,” said Pataki.

Pataki addressed the fact that Hunter Biden served as one of nine directors of the private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST – better known as BHR Partners – which is 80 percent mandated by shareholders in the Chinese government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The firm was registered less than two weeks after Biden flew with his then-vice president father on Air Force Two for official business in China in December 2013, but his lawyer has previously stated that talks were in place months earlier. For almost six years, the firm connected to Hunter in China has moved more than $2.5 billion into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors.

Pataki, who was governor when the 9/11 attacks happened in 2001, said he would have liked to see better communication between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as the coronavirus pandemic spread through the state.


He said he believes Trump's daily press briefings have been "informative and helpful" but lamented the combative exchanges between Trump and reporters.

"You get into almost like mud wrestling with the press. And it's just extremely unfortunate. I am highly critical of the reporters. They're not interested in getting information that would help the American people. They're interested in doing things that will hurt President Trump. And on the other hand, the president should not accept that bait. He should rise above it," said Pataki.

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