Fun Facts: Humans spend HOW LONG with their eyes closed from blinking?

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People would spend 5 years of their entire life with their eyes closed solely from blinking. (Fox News)

Antarctic glaciers contain so much water that they would raise sea levels by 190 feet if they ever completely melted. (Fox News)

A quarter-pound burger requires the equivalent of about 10 bathtubs of water to be created. (Fox News)

Mount Everest could grow 10 inches in the span of a human lifetime. (Fox News)

There are more trees than there are stars in the Milky Way. (Fox News)

Honeybees must visit 2 million flowers to create one pound of honey. (Fox News)

The length of the Great Wall of China equates to more than half the Earth's circumference. (Fox News)

While it took over a century for the human population to go from one to two billion people, it took just over a decade for seven billion to go to eight billion. (Fox News)

The Eiffel Tower can stretch an extra 6 inches depending on the temperature. (Fox News)

On Venus, a day shockingly lasts longer than a year. (Fox News)

Data equivalent to a quarter-million Libraries of Congress are created every day. (Fox News)

The total length of a human's blood vessels could circle the earth at least twice. (Fox News)

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