Florida teacher rips school district's gender policies: 'Exact opposite of loving and safe'

Matthew Woodside says progressive policies are causing 'homogenous confusion' on 'Fox & Friends First'

One Florida teacher is speaking out against his school district's progressive gender policies that enable students to use the bathroom of their choosing aligning with their "gender identity."

Brevard County public school teacher Matthew Woodside joined "Fox & Friends First" to discuss the impact of the policies and how he believes they are affecting students. 

"I think we're seeing that when we start saying that masculinity just on its face is just it's wrong, and there are… no beautiful differences between us, we're starting to see this homogenous confusion that's happening," Woodside told co-host Todd Piro. "I really believe that these kids are created in the image of God, created on purpose, for a purpose by a God who loves them and loves them so much that he died for them, because these kids are intentional miracles."

"Each one of them, they are made on purpose," he continued. "And so for me, I teach boys and and and it is my job to show them what a man looks like, to show them that we need to take responsibility for our actions, to show them that hard work is important, to show them that we do the right thing when nobody's looking."


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' office blasted a piece the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board for a piece about a new state law that is "rife with erroneous assumptions," according to the governor’s press secretary.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

According to Parents Defending Education, the district allows students to use the restroom and locker rooms of their choosing, and requires teachers use students' preferred pronouns. 

Woodside recalled an instance where a female student, who identified as male, allegedly used a male locker room and changed in front of male peers and a male teacher. 

"It's not safe for her," Woodside said. "It's not good for those other kids to be exposed to that, and so I think it's important that we start taking back this language of love and start saying, you know what, love is not love if we sacrifice truth."


"For those of us that are on the ground that have to vouch for these kids that do come through these doors, we are seeing it is the exact opposite of loving and safe to allow this stuff to happen," he continued. 

Meanwhile, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation into law earlier this year, barring some elementary school teachers from implementing "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" instruction. 

The law, sparking debate and criticism from the left, went into effect July 1 and affects students in kindergarten through third grade. 

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