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Dr. Joshua Gordon, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health, joined the "Fox News Rundown" podcast Friday to discuss how people should look after their mental health while under quarantine.

"First and foremost, you need to do things that are aimed at taking care of yourself," Gordon told host Lisa Brady. "So for many of us, we're staying on top of the news, we're trying to understand what's going on, and that's great.


"But you also need to take breaks from the news," Gordon added. "Set aside periods of time each day when you turn off your social media feed, [and] you turn to a program on the television or on Netflix. That's all about something fun, something to enjoy."


Gordon's second key to taking care of your mental health is looking after your physical health.

"Take care of your body. Make sure that you eat regular, well-balanced meals, get some physical activity," Gordon advised. "Try to avoid using alcohol or drugs, especially if you're using to escape. That's not as helpful as one might think. And importantly, give yourself a full night's sleep."

The doctor also advised people to "connect" even if they are in isolation.

"Take some time to connect with others. Talk with people that you trust about your concerns about how you're feeling, but also just about the everyday," Gordon said. "And it's fortunate that in this day and age we have lots of digital tools that we can use to help."


Gordon also related some optimisim to people about the current state of the country.

"I would say two things. Number one, this will not last forever. We don't know how long it will last, but we will get through it to the other side," he said. "The second thing I would say is that it is working. There is enough evidence out there that the social distancing that we are all engaging in is starting to have an effect in terms of reducing the impact of the pandemic."

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