Ben Domenech criticized Democrats' policies through the pandemic, saying, "the left is using the pandemic to make permanent the lives they want you to lead" on "Fox News Primetime."

BEN DOMENECH: The Left is using the pandemic to make permanent the lives they want you to lead. We’ve seen churches closed under the guise of preserving life. Neighbors reporting on each other under the guise of unity. "We're all in this together," so long as we all stay in our homes and don't socialize. Teachers Unions are the most powerful political entities in American life, to the point of wrecking the lives of their students if the teachers don’t want to work. Local small businesses have to close, but Walmart can stay open. And don’t forget, Fauci knows best, parents. If you disagree with any unelected bureaucrat, even if it conflicts with what they said mere days earlier, you must hate science and you’re putting your kids and everyone else at risk. What connects all of these things? What draws them together, besides that they draw us apart? Why is worshipping God, burying our loved ones, celebrating our birthdays, graduations, and marriages banned… but protests and riots allowed, if not to break the tenuous hold we have on family, faith and community. 

The three things that make us less dependent and in fact, more independent, from government power and coercion? They tell you the reason for this is your own good, keeping you safe and sound. But the truth you need to wake up to is that despite over a year and a half of bitter failure, our public authorities are bringing back the same policies they did before - so you are about to experience renewed lockdowns, mask mandates, and ridiculous restrictions on kids in school. They’ll tell you they are doing this because they have to. But they’re doing it because they want to, and because they can.