Fox News contributor Ben Domenech spoke on the issue of mental illness and isolation on Tuesday's "Special Report," following the Buffalo supermarket shooting. He said the increase in mass shootings is in part due to the breakdown of communities, the church and families. 

BEN DOMENECH: You know, I think that we have a crisis in this country of isolation, of mental illness, of an inability to deal with people who are likely to trend in these directions regardless of the ideological motivation or the politics involved. I think that we need to do a better job of tracking people who are, you know, essentially potentially mass shooters and these in all of these different areas of life. 

And as we see this increase, it's in part due, I believe, to the breakdown of the communities that would form that would be able to warn against such things, the breakdown of the church, of the family and of that cohesion that has been a key to America's success in the past and needs to be key to our success in the future.