DNC chair blasted for ripping Sen. Tom Cotton as ‘maggot-infested man’ on 'Morning Joe'

Jaime Harrison said GOP 'built on fraud, fear and fascism' and 'They don’t deserve to be in power'

Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison launched into a blistering tirade against Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Republicans during a segment on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" on Wednesday.

Discussing Cotton’s talking points against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, Harrison derided the senator as a "little maggot-infested man" and the "lowest of the low." 


Sen. Tom Cotton: Biden on the back foot since Day 1 with Ukraine

Prior to his anti-Republican rant, the DNC chairman began his time on "Morning Joe" by reassuring the hosts that Democrats and President Biden have a strategy to retain power in the midterms and "alleviate" the economic pressure on Americans that they’ve felt with record inflation and high gas prices. 

Harrison also commented that "there hasn’t been a president I’ve seen so focused," and added that Biden has done a "good job" with his leadership during the Ukraine crisis.

The segment then pivoted to Cotton’s Senate floor statements criticizing Jackson for representing terrorists as a public defender and comparing that to defending the Nazis during the "Nuremburg Trials."


Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson testifies during her Senate confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough accused Cotton of twisting the nominee's record "so out of context" and Harrison followed up by going for the jugular. 

"You know, in a Senate where there is Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton is the lowest of the low," Harrison said. 

He recounted a story of how Cotton once blocked an Obama appointment for ambassador to the Bahamas and tore into the senator.

"When asked why he was holding up her confirmation, he said because he wanted to hurt Barack Obama," he said. "It shows you who this little maggot-infested man is."

Harrison added that Cotton "doesn’t deserve to be in the United States Senate, representing the good people of Arkansas." He also claimed that the senator uses the Constitution as a "play toy."

He then summed up his opinions on the "Republican Party we see today: It is a party built on fraud, fear and fascism. And they don’t deserve to be in power."

DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison appears on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on April 6, 2022.


Some on Twitter highlighted the DNC chair’s vitriolic remarks and blasted his representation of the Democrat Party, especially with the "maggot-infested" line. 

"Harrison is the official spokesman for the Democratic Party. Wondering if the Biden White House shares Harrison’s sentiments?" National Journal columnist Josh Kraushaar tweeted. "Harrison’s appearance was tailored for this platform, but will probably cause headaches for his Democratic Party allies (and critics)."

Radio host Hugh Hewitt wrote, "Ah, civility in public discourse. The DNC Chair of course represents the @POTUS, @VP, @SpeakerPelosi and @ChuckSchumer --so perhaps they should all be asked if they agree with their party chair?"

Republican operative Matt Whitlock tweeted, "I’ll never understand the selection of [Harrison] as DNC chair. He has the message discipline of an angry toddler, terrible political instincts, and his biggest accomplishment in politics is burning over $100M to lost to Lindsey Graham by 10."

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