Devin Nunes warns Democrats may be concocting new Trump 'hoax,' says Vindman's ouster was long overdue

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., reacted on Monday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaving the door open for more investigations into President Trump despite his acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial last week, saying “I'm not sure that they [Democrats] actually know how to do anything else.”

Nunes made the statement on “Fox & Friends” in response to Pelosi’s comments from Capitol Hill on Thursday where she said, “We will continue to do our oversight to protect and defend the Constitution … but those cases still exist, if there are others that we see as an opportunity we'll make a judgment at that time.”

“I'd say that old habits die hard,” Nunes said on Monday. “They've done nothing else for their entire time that they've controlled Congress and don't forget the Democrats on the intelligence committee started this right after Trump was elected so that’s going over three years.”

He went on to say, “for all practical purposes the intelligence committee in the House isn't really meeting so my guess is they’re going to start with [former National Security Adviser] John Bolton, maybe others."

“They may concoct a new hoax, I'm not sure that the American people will believe it, but you can be sure of one thing, the mainstream media will support whatever it is the narrative is that they want to build,” he continued.

Democrats wanted Bolton to testify during Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, but Republicans in the Senate secured enough votes to reject Democratic efforts to extend the trial and call new witnesses.


The California congressman also reacted on Monday to the fact that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who testified in the House impeachment inquiry, was fired by the National Security Council (NSC) on Friday.

“It's a long time and coming,” Nunes said on Monday.

“I've been on FOX several times saying that the National Security Council, number one, needs to be downsized, they don't need hundreds of people and number two, anyone that was there during the Obama administration should be immediately removed from the White House and put somewhere else.

“I don't care where they go, but just removed from the White House because look, we know that it's highly likely that many of the leaks that started at the very beginning of President Trump's administration came from the National Security Council and that should be very concerning,” he continued.

He added, “It's sad that it's taken a new National Security Adviser, [Robert] O'Brien to actually come in and start to clean this up, so I would just say, ‘Don't let the door hit you on the way out.’”

Nunes also said that the “media shouldn't over-exaggerate.”


“Nobody’s lost their job, they’re just going to be moved back to another position,” he said.

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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