'Pretty despicable' that the Biden admin is not setting a timeline for fixing baby formula shortage: Pavlich

She blasts the administration's lack of results

"The Five" co-hosts Katie Pavlich and Johnny "Joey" Jones scorned the Biden administration's handling of the baby formula shortage Thursday.

PAVLICH: You have the surgeon general saying, "Well, the conversations that I'm having." Americans want results. They want things to be moving. And then also, you had the Pentagon spokesperson today, John Kirby, being asked by Charles Payne in the 4:00 hour: "So when can Americans expect this operation - flying formula in from overseas - to actually happen? When is this going to be something on the shelves?" And he says, "I don't have a timeline for you." And the reason they're saying that is because they don't want to put out a timeline that they are accountable for. Because if they don't need it, they don't want to have the blame for it. Which is pretty despicable when it comes to an emergency. Set a timeline, set a goal and get it done. And they're not doing any of it.

JONES: I was really amazed at the fact that as people we've been around anywhere between [- depending on] how biblical you are - maybe 8,000 years as human beings, right? And so for 8,000 years, we've been making people and feeding them. And now we're so reliant on a synthetically made formula that if four companies can't make enough, where do we go? So I looked, and it's goat's milk and wet nurses. You talk about "Handmaid's Tale," that puts us back a couple of centuries right there. But that just shows you where we are and just how fragile we are as a society and how important it is that we worry when the government does dumb things or jeopardizes industries. 


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