Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis responded to what he called the White House's "obsession" with his state, as the CDC corrected an inflated coronavirus positivity count, telling "Tucker Carlson Tonight" President Joe Biden is welcoming and then dispersing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across the country without regard for public health.

RON DESANTIS: Tucker, it was standard data entry and they took three days of data, put it over two, obviously made it look like it was a massive increase. I do not know exactly what happened. I do not know what the motivation is. But as you alluded to, the White House – they are more concerned about trying to attack me than actually dealing with the problems of the country. I don’t see them dealing with the border crisis. I don’t see them dealing with inflation. Obviously, energy prices are out of control. Yet they have this obsession with Florida and, look, obviously, we are cutting against the grain, and we are standing up the federal overreach, we are proud of doing that. But, they should really focus on getting the job done that they were elected to do and they are not doing that right now.

This is a president who ran saying he was going to shut down the virus. How do you shut it down when you bringing in … hundreds of thousands of people. They're from over 100 different countries so whatever variants are out there are coming through that border, they're knowingly letting them and then they're farming them out all over the United States. Clearly, they have a different agenda on display.