Radio host Jason Rantz said that Democrats have "rewarded" the crime and violence of Black Lives Matter rioters Thursday on "Fox News Primetime," thereby incentivizing bad behavior.

In New York City, "you had Democrats for months last year deciding to be OK with riots, with violence, with burning down buildings and destroying neighborhoods. And as a result of that, did a lot of people go to jail, did a lot of people get prosecuted? No. However, guess what did happen. We saw defunding of police in New York. We saw it happening all across the country; we actually rewarded that kind of behavior," he said.

"And so if you are the type of person who turns to violence and then you see you've been rewarded for it, no punishment whatsoever. Well, guess what, you're probably going to turn to that yet again when you might not get your way," Rantz warned.


Rantz's comments follow those of New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome, who threatened "riots," "fire" and "bloodshed" if Mayor-elect Eric Adams puts plainclothes police officers back on the streets to combat the city's spike in violent crime.

"If [Adams' administration] think[s] that [it's] going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots. There will be fire and there will be bloodshed," vowed Newsome after a meeting with the Mayor-elect Wednesday at Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Rantz cautioned that besides BLM, "Antifa lunatics" pose a threat to law and order as well.

Podcast host Jeff Charles reinforced that threatening violence "is not the way to address this situation" then addressed Newsome.

"When you use the word ‘bloodshed,’ whose blood do you think is going to be shed?," he asked. "Yeah, we already know the answer to that question is going to be people [who] look like you and [me], Hawk Newsome. It's going to be black men. I am sick of dead black bodies in the street, whether it's from the police or whether it's from violence in the community."

"…No more dead black bodies dying needlessly because people want to riot. This is not what we should be encouraging," he said.


Rantz added that police officers would be targeted too, which is a "huge concern" as police forces nationwide shrink due to the left's demonization of cops. He explained that since criminal charges don't "stick," they fail to deter "activists."

"…[T]he cops can make all the arrests that they want," he continued. "Unfortunately, you still need prosecutors and judges to put these people in jail, and they're not."