Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson discussed Democrat's unfolding strategy for the midterm elections on "The Ingraham Angle" Monday. 

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: I think every week in the larger landscape [Democrats focus on] Jan. 6, or now it's Roe v. Wade or Putin's price hike or the Ukrainian war because they're desperately looking for some magic escape route. And they can't escape because they won't change [because] … they're ideologues … [who have] run the economy and the country into the ground. So they look back and they think, how did we win in 2020? It was COVID, it was a lockdown, we frightened everybody ... Maybe that will work again … It's pretty pathetic. Or maybe they think they can stop inflation lower by just shutting everybody back in and not spending …

It's [a] pretty desperate [situation] because they won't change. They won't say 'These are [the things] ... Americans are concerned about: they're worried about gas, inflation, the border and overseas. And here are the solutions.' And they won't do it because they're self-created problems and they won't change.