David Webb: Joe Biden is a 'dangerous' pawn for the far left

Webb hits back at the former vice president's 'bad' policy prescriptions

Joe Biden is a political pawn for the far-left who would push "dangerous" policies, Fox News contributor David Webb said Thursday.

In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Webb said that the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee -- as part of former President Barack Obama's administration -- wanted to "help him fundamentally transform America."

"So, why would we not believe that Joe Biden and the left-wing Democratic Socialists would carry out their vision if he is elected?' asked the Fox Nation host.


In a series of tweets on Wednesday, President Trump slammed the former vice president's "unity plan" with former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on education, and accused Biden of wanting to "Abolish Police, Abolish ICE, Abolish Bail, Abolish Suburbs, Abolish the 2nd Amendment" and "Abolish the American Way of Life."

"No one will be SAFE in Joe Biden’s America!" he wrote.

The overall message appears to be in response to Biden's Unity Task Force, which was established along with Sanders.

The task force's recommendations include a statement that "Democrats support eliminating the use of cash bail," as well as a promise to change immigration enforcement policies, and a desire to "reimagine policing." Biden has not called for repealing the Second Amendment, but his platform does include a variety of new gun control measures.

The claim that Biden wishes to abolish suburbs echoes a recent piece by Stanley Kurtz in the National Review, in which Kurtz warns against the possibility that Biden would eliminate suburban zoning practices he considers "exclusionary" by threatening to withhold federal dollars.

"From a policy perspective, these are Biden's policy prescriptions. And, they’re bad prescriptions by the way, because they won't cure what ails us," Webb remarked.


"But, it’s also the fact that Joe Biden is more of a pawn for the left. Because, as he has been for decades in Washington, he is a political pawn who plays whatever fiddle or whatever tune gets him votes," he said. "And, that makes him a dangerous man and makes him dangerous to America."

"So, the president's echoing what Joe Biden says he will do," Webb concluded. "How is he going to transform to green vehicles every -- school bus? Tell me how he does this. How does he accomplish getting rid of a fossil-based economy?"

Fox News' Ronn Blitzer and Charles Creitz contributed to this report.

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