Dave Portnoy demolishes Biden’s speech in video rant: ‘He looked like Hitler!’
Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy claimed that during his primetime Thursday speech, President Biden looked like Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.
On Friday, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy claimed that President Joe Biden "looked like f----- Hitler" during his Thursday evening primetime speech about the threat of "MAGA Republicans."
The CEO, who considers himself to be in the middle of the political spectrum, blasted the imagery of Biden’s speech, and claimed that no matter what political side viewers are on, if they didn’t think the ominous presentation of it was a "misstep," their "brains are f----- broken."
The morning after the speech, Portnoy posted a video clip to Twitter featuring his opinion on Biden’s speech, with the caption, "Emergency Press Conference - Anybody Who Doesn’t Think Biden Looked Like A Dictator Last Night Has A Demented Brain."
Portnoy opened by saying that he was watching college football Thursday night instead of the speech. "I’m not watching Biden’s speech, I didn’t even know he had a f----- speech," he said. Though he mentioned he started catching the images of Biden standing before the blood-red backdrop as they hit the internet and found them shocking.

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy claimed that Biden's Thursday night speech had the "worst imagery of all time" and made the president look like "f------ Hitler." (The Dave Portnoy Show With Eddie & Co/Youtube)
"All these images come out, and my god, the man looks like Nazi Germany, with a dash of Cold War Soviet Union with a dash of Dwight Schrute [NBC’s "The Office"], with a dash of ‘Hunger Games,’" he stated.
Portnoy added that Biden had, "Just like the biggest looking dictator set ever," and called the whole presentation "surreal."
It looked so bad, in Portnoy’s opinion, that he couldn’t believe liberals were defending it on Twitter. "And today we have Democrats defending it, being like, ‘It wasn’t that bad if you’re focused on this,’" he explained. He pushed back, declaring, "It was the worst staging in the history of American politics."
"This man, our president, looked like f------ Hitler," Portnoy said, pulling no punches.
"I’m not saying he’s Hitler, I didn’t really even listen to a lot of the speech – he looked like a f------ caricature. He looked like Hitler!" he said emphatically.

U.S. President Joe Biden, protected by bulletproof glass, delivers remarks on what he calls the "continued battle for the Soul of the Nation" in front of Independence Hall at Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, U.S., September 1, 2022. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
He then went after Biden’s party, saying, "If you’re Democrat and you can’t admit how awful, and how bad, and how big of a misstep that was, and almost laugh at it, then you’re a demented brain. That’s all I want to say."
Portnoy then recommended Biden make light of the incident for the sake of easing the nerves of everyone who may have been creeped out by the presentation. "In fact if you’re Biden, you should probably – instead of all your dumb--- tweets – you should probably tweet a joke, like, ‘Man, I looked like the H man last night.’"
He concluded his rant, declaring, "that was the worst imagery of all time. Our president looked like f------ Hilter and anyone who says otherwise is full of s---."

Dave Portnoy slammed Democrats who defended the alleged Hitlerian imagery present at Biden's speech, saying they're "full of s---." (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)