Radio host Dana Loesch unleashed on "Fox News Primetime" Wednesday in response to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's executive order declaring a "first-in-the-nation" disaster emergency on gun violence.

"Andrew Cuomo, even Bill de Blasio all say the same thing, ‘the epidemic is gun violence,’" Loesch began. "If you can sit here and characterize the willful choices of a criminal compared to a law-abiding gun owner and say that that is a health epidemic and treat it like public health policy, you can do that with anything. It's ludicrous."


Cuomo on Tuesday outlined several steps the state plans to implement to quell the bloodshed, particularly that which affects at-risk youth, after a bloody Independence Day weekend. The New York Democrat called gun violence a "public health emergency" and, with that, announced that he would be creating an Office of Gun Violence Prevention within the Department of Health. 

"When you look at the gun laws in New York and the gun laws in Illinois, these are states that have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation," Loesch responded.

 "Consider New York for example… you have magazine capacity restrictions, you have registration, I mean, you could argue that the weakening of HIPAA laws so that doctors could report patients if they felt within their discretion that the patient was dangerous, [which could be considered] removal of due process…. but with all of these laws, they still have this insane skyrocketing increase in crime. Particularly illegal possession, illegal carrying of firearms in use in commission of other felonies by these prohibitive possessors," she explained.


Loesch blamed politicians who "don't actually enforce the law that reduces penalties… and in some cases, …where they don't even go after prosecutions for repeat offenders with felony possession in the first place for the surge in gun violence.

"That is what is driving this crime," she said. "That's what it's doing it, not law-abiding gun owners."