Dan Crenshaw on what's at stake in 2020: 'It's chaos versus safety'

'It’s not President Obama’s Democratic Party and people need to realize that,' he said

The issues at stake in the the 2020 presidential election are crucial and the difference between what both candidates have to offer "could not be more severe,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said on Monday.

“You’re seeing a very clear choice in 2020: it’s chaos versus safety and security, it’s socialism [which is] doubling your tax rates versus economic freedom, it’s a government takeover of health care versus keeping the doctor that you trust, it’s acquiescence to China versus holding China accountable,” Crenshaw told "Fox & Friends."

He also made the point that this is "not President Obama’s Democratic Party and people need to realize that.”


The presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, is currently leading Trump in the battleground states of Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania, according to Fox News statewide registered voter surveys.

Biden benefits from strong support among women, non-White voters and those living in suburban areas, while Trump suffers from a lackluster performance among men and White voters.

In each state’s head-to-head matchup, the president underperformed both his 2016 vote share and his current job approval rating — and Biden’s edge is larger than the survey’s margin of sampling error.


Crenshaw commented on popular podcast host and comedian Joe Rogan fleeing Texas, drawing a contrast between highly regulated California and limited-government Texas.

“You see this a lot because things work in Texas and this goes back to what’s at stake in 2020,” Crenshaw said.

Crenshaw went on to say, “Vote for places that work. Texas understands that limited government, more freedom, not less, doing things that work — that don’t just feel good but actually work is a good recipe.

"There are certain economic foundations, political foundations, and cultural foundations that make society more prosperous and free and states like California that are always pushing towards some socialist utopia, they tend not to work because they are really not taking care of their citizens. They’re always talking about equality and justice and, yet, they have less of it, so they are fleeing to places like Texas.”

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