Dakota Meyer: US military leadership has becoming 'so political'
Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer slams the jailing of a U.S. Marine who criticized the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer criticized the jailing of a U.S. Marine who went viral for blasting the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, arguing on "Fox & Friends" Wednesday military leadership has become too political.
DAKOTA MEYER: I don't understand what grounds that the military has put him in the brig for. But I mean, this is what the military does. What it tells me, though, is that either that they're worried about what this guy's going to say -- I just don't think that, I just don't think that this is the right way to handle this. I mean, I think that, look, if this man wants answers, this man came out and literally asked the same questions that all of us are asking. And I just think this is a terrible move. I don't -- I just don't understand what we don't know yet of what regards did they think that this was going to be a smart move to put this man behind bars… To me, in my opinion, it just shows me that our military leadership has gotten so political and that with the left, they feel so empowered that they feel they can do whatever they want and they're not going to be held accountable on it, which is what we're seeing with the top generals right now. So why would they think any different? But I don't think this is a smart move for them. And I think this is really going to come back and get them.