Election takeover bill exposes Democrats' power grab: Cruz
Texas Republican senator calls sweeping election reform bill 'the single most piece of legislation' on 'Hannity'
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz pledged on "Hannity" Monday to fight tooth and nail against the Democrats' sweeping election reform bill, dubbed by Republicans as a Democratic "power grab" to federalize local elections.
SEN. TED CRUZ: This bill before the Senate, S1 or H.R.1, many of us are calling it the Corrupt Politicians Act, is in my view the most dangerous piece of legislation before the United States Congress.
There are two buckets of what the Democrats are trying to do. One is bad policy, things like massive new taxes massive new spending, massive new regulations all of those That will hurt Americans across the country. But the second bucket is rigging the game, trying to change the rules so they never lose again. And the crown jewel of the rigging the game proposal is the Corrupt Politicians Act.
This bill turns the Federal Election Commission into a partisan weapon to prosecute and sue Republicans. It gives Chuck Schumer a federal agency as an attack dog...that would give hundreds of million dollars to politicians. As you look at needy populations in America it's hard to think of a group more needing a federal fund than politicians. They can play their own expenses out of this. It's a massive Democratic power grab.
The number one priority of Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is to stay in power for 100 years and to steal the rights of the voters to vote them out. I am leading the fight against this.