By Joseph Wulfsohn
Published November 11, 2020
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo used Veterans Day as an opportunity to attack GOP lawmakers for not taking a stance against President Trump's ongoing efforts to challenge the results of the presidential election.
Cuomo opened his show Wednesday night by paying tribute to the men and women in uniform and their families, but he quickly shifted to expressing ire towards Republicans for not stopping the president's legal battles in various battleground states and aiding in the peaceful transition of power for projected President-elect Joe Biden.
"May we take the message of this day, the idea of putting nation before self, even committing to the ultimate sacrifice more to heart. Yeah, I'm politicizing it," Cuomo admitted. "And I'm looking at you, GOP enablers, and you know why."
The "Cuomo Prime Time" host explained that the origins of what was previously called Armistice Day that marked the end of World War I, which was "the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" back in 1918.
"Well, it's the 11th hour now after this election and these GOP cronies know it is over. Shame on you," Cuomo scolded Republicans, "for allowing crazy to become contagious as covid in your ranks. Why do you think Trump is ousting Pentagon leadership and loading up with loyalists. Maybe it's for troop withdraw. Maybe it's to get Russian information released. And maybe it is because he is twisted enough to try to do something way worse."
Cuomo urged viewers, "Remember who said nothing. Remember their shame."
The CNN anchor praised Biden for "planning to take on the pandemic" as president-elect and knocked the sitting president for not acknowledging the spikes of coronavirus cases across the nation.
But he quickly returned sounding off against Republicans.
"This goes way beyond Trump. Trump is toxic- surprise. However, the real surprise is the blame that must be put who ignore and therefore empower. And those who say, 'They should just run its course!' Running its course means transition and they know it!" Cuomo exclaimed. "I'm telling you, remember the people who are enabling this fraud. They must answer for defending Trump's delusions. They are remaining silent when it matters most."
Cuomo went on to slam Republicans who refuse to publicly acknowledge "President-elect Biden," linking the lawmakers to "great company" Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un.
"Remember, the shame is that this is a game to them," Cuomo told viewers.