CNN's in-house media pundit Brian Stelter dedicated his "Reliable Sources" program on Sunday to airing the liberal network’s grievances about how President Trump treated the press over the past "five years."

The often-mocked Stelter began the show as Nashville police officers held a news conference to update the public on the Christmas Day bombing. Media Research Center news analyst Nicholas Fondacaro wrote that "what a news organization allows to be aired on their network tells you a lot about their priorities," and he feels it was telling when CNN didn't air the news conference.

"While the officers were talking to the press about what they saw, heard, and did Christmas morning to save lives, Stelter was rehashing CNN’s coverage of the crowd size at President Trump's inauguration," Fondacaro wrote.


Stelter kicked off the show by "looking back at Trump's first day in office," bragging that a CNN segment inspired Trump to make a fuss about inauguration crowd size.

Stelter then used the analogy that a liar "pretends they're dry in the middle of a rainstorm," which caused Fondacaro to unearth the infamous moment when CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez stood in front of a raging fire in Kenosha, Wis., and the chyron at the bottom of the screen read, "FIERY BUT MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS AFTER POLICE SHOOTING."

"Shouldn't that also apply to the reporters who were standing out in burning communities during the Black Lives Matter riots and claimed things were 'mostly peaceful?' Aren't they liars too, Brian?" Fondacaro wrote.

Stelter then brought several of his liberal CNN colleagues onto the show to share their personal experiences, which resulted in White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond comparing Trump supporters' treatment of the media at rallies to a "blood sport," which quickly sparked criticism on social media.

The show featured a variety of other moments that triggered mockery, too. CNN's Jake Tapper declared he wouldn't book press secretary Kayleigh McEnany because he said she "lies the way most people breathe," which prompted critics to remind the liberal anchor that CNN has booked everyone from White supremacists to disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Tapper also referred to his weekday monologues "Murrows," a reference to famed journalist Edward R. Murrow, apparently indicating how seriously the anchor takes himself.


Stelter's show was lampooned before it even began, as social media had fun with a tweet from "Reliable Sources" announcing the lineup for the look back at Trump's time in office.