CNBC reporter repeats White House rhetoric claiming Biden can't turn down ‘dial’ on rising costs

The reporter said, 'There's no dial in the Oval Office that turns inflation up or turns it down'

CNBC reporter echoed White House talking points on rising prices on MSNBC Thursday while saying the Oval Office doesn't have a "dial" they can use to turn down the rising cost of living.

"There's no dial in the Oval Office that turns inflation up or turns it down, right? So Joe Biden, as is sitting there at the White House, doesn't have a lot of really great options," CNBC's senior Washington correspondent Eamon Javers said on "Hallie Jackson Reports."

Similarly, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Wednesday, "No policymaker has a dial that you can just turn up or down that you can just control things like oil prices and gas prices," Butting said. "Look, folks are impatient, folks are looking for solutions. We get that."

"[Americans are] looking for somebody to blame and the person you blame is the guy at the top, whether or not he has a dial or not, that can turn inflation up or down," Javers continued

CNBC's senior Washington correspondent Eamon Javers, left, on MSNBC's 'Hallie Jackson Reports." (MSNBC/Screenshot )


The Labor Department reported inflation hit a 40-year high, rising 8.5% in March from a year ago.

The Biden White House has sought blame the rising prices on Russian President Vladimir Putin's "Price Hike" as well as Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's policy they said affected the supply chain. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, March 1, 2022. (Alexei Nikolsky, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

"Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. Seventy percent of the increase in prices in March came from the Putin Price Hike," Biden said.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, "Governor Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country."

Press secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a briefing at the White House, March 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Javers said of the things the White House can do to curb the harsh edges of inflation is to "loosen up supply chain problems" and "release some oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."

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