‘Outkick’ founder and podcast host Clay Travis discusses how the mainstream and sports media are praising and promoting Chinese propaganda with ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

CLAY TRAVIS: As crazy as you think the political media is and as biased as you think the political media is, … sports media is a billion times worse. … People come home from work. They want to pop a beer. They want to find out who won a game. And next thing you know, you're watching J.A. Adande … spreading direct Chinese propaganda. That is what China tries to argue: Oh, we may have genocide, we may have actual slave labor being used by Uyghar Muslims who are being made to pick cotton, to make tennis shoes, by the way. But you know, in the United States, there are disputes over whether or not Georgia has too restrictive of a voting bill. So it would be unfair for the United States to point out Chinese genocide. That is a Chinese propaganda message that is being propagated directly by ESPN. And it's so noxious.