Media plays defense for Joe Biden amid Ukraine scandal
Reaction and analysis from Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt and Women for Trump national co-chair Gina Loudon.
Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt said MSNBC host Joe Scarborough came up with an "absolutely amazing" theory for how former Vice President Joe Biden is actually helped by the firestorm over his son Hunter's activity in Ukraine.
Hurt told host Jason Chaffetz on "Hannity" Friday that the only possible way it helps the former Delaware senator is because it keeps attention away from the 77-year-old's multiple gaffes.
Scarborough, a former Republican congressman from Florida, claimed the Biden-Ukraine allegations show that President Trump is "freaked out" about the prospect of running against the elder Biden.
"No, it's been a godsend for Joe Biden, because now, every Democrat said, 'Wait a second: why is Donald Trump so freaked out about running against Joe Biden that he will risk impeachment, that he will hold up $400 million in military aid for a democratic ally being invaded by Russia?'," Scarborough said on "Morning Joe."
"I don't know how you manage to connect all those dots to come up with that theory," Hurt said of Scarborough. "Perhaps the only way that maybe all of this helps Joe Biden is, did it draw attention away from his ridiculous gaffes and stupid things that he says and the stupid stories that he tells from his time as a lifeguard?"
In recent months, clips have resurfaced from Biden's speech at a Wilmington, Del., pool dedication, during which the former lawmaker spoke about children watching his leg hair in the water and his run-in with a tough local teen named "Corn Pop" while he was working as a lifeguard many years ago.
Hurt said that in the bigger picture, Democrats should be concerned that their voters may find out the truth about the Trump impeachment proceedings.
"The real scary thing about all of this is that you have millions of people, Democratic voters out there, who have been lied to now by people like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Scarborough, and Adam Schiff ... about how they were going to get rid of Donald Trump -- they were going to impeach him and throw him out of office," the Washington Times opinion editor said.
"When that reckoning occurs, it is going to be terrible," he added.