CBS Evening News broke apart from the long-standing "Russian disinformation" narrative by delivering an in-depth report on a number of brow-raising details from a GOP investigative probe on Wednesday – particularly focusing on key bank records tying President Biden's brother, James, and son, Hunter, to over 150 "concerning" transactions.

"We have people with the Biden name, dealing with Chinese business people that have a relationship to the Communist Party," Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said during an interview with CBS senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge.

Grassley, who has been on the Bidens' case long before the mainstream outlet decided to take it to the air, sat down with Herridge to divulge the latest goings-on and deliver his take on what these bank records could indicate.

James and Sara Biden arrive at the White House to attend the State Dinner for South Korea, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011, in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

James and Sara Biden arrive at the White House to attend the State Dinner for South Korea, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011, in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)

"I think James Biden was very much a part of this," he said, touching on the series of bank records made public this week. These records indicate several wire transfers occurred between James Biden's company, the Lion Hall Group, and a Chinese-financed consulting firm, according to the report.


"These records come directly from the banks - no third party?" Herridge asked the ranking Judiciary member during their interview.

"You're absolutely right," he responded. 

Sen. Grassley shared the news on Twitter by posting a photo of a printout containing the bank transactions and writing, "More bank records in Grassley Johnson investigation uncover $33k to the lion hall group shows James Biden was financially connected to Chinese communist govt elements."

Wednesday's CBS report also dug into a 2019 subpoena verified by the outlet detailing "federal investigators who sought Hunter and James Biden's business records from a major U.S. bank dating back to 2014" to investigate potential tax and foreign lobbying laws.

In a clip that aired during the segment, Robert Weissman, president of the consumer advocacy non-profit Public Citizen, weighed in on the scandal, saying, "I think Hunter and James Biden should not have entered into those relationships.

"In the best case, those things look really bad. In the worst case, the conflicts can be quite serious." 

Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC.

Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC.  (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)


Recently, The New York Times and The Washington Post also plunged into the Hunter Biden story, with the Times confirming the authenticity of Hunter's laptop and the Post authenticating thousands of emails. 

The developments follow Twitter censoring The New York Post – the first outlet to report on Hunter Biden's emails – during the 2020 election cycle and come after long-standing mainstream media criticism that characterized the scandal as "Russian disinformation."