Cain: 'Real-time' COVID data 'cuts through the political BS' influencing lockdowns

'Fox News Primetime' host says you 'have to balance every aspect' of the pandemic

Fox News host Will Cain responded to an Los Angeles Times column from Michael Hiltzik claiming that "COVID lockdowns saved lives without harming economies" on "Fox News Primetime" Thursday. Cain emphasized that the recorded data on COVID-19 lockdowns "cuts through the political BS" surrounding lockdowns in the U.S.

With a struggling economy clouding the nation after a long battle with the coronavirus pandemic, "many on the left" believe "a business doesn't have to be open to do good business," Cain emphasized. As many businesses throughout the country face economic struggles and employment shortages, the left pushes "theoretical" and "ideological arguments" Cain said, despite the data proving that Democrat states faired much worse than GOP-run states in dealing with the pandemic.

"California's unemployment rate has nearly doubled," Cain said. "The same goes for New York, while Florida and Texas, well, they're still seeing an increase in employment." "I thought lockdowns didn’t hurt local economies," he went on to say.

While the economy remains an exponential issue, Cain also stated that "you have to balance every aspect of this pandemic, including mental health, school closures, and obesity." With rising numbers in all three categories and the ability to witness the real-time data play out, evidence is available for which states were successful in their handling of the pandemic as well as those who failed.

Cain was joined by Spectator USA contributor Stephen L. Miller who also opined on Hiltzik's column and the data and impact of COVID-19 lockdowns.  


"There were about 22 million jobs that were lost over the course of the last year," Miller said. "Six million of those were in the service industry, restaurant, hotel, another two million in other parts of just casual working business in retail, and about another two point five million that were lost in business … Eight hundred thousand jobs short in April and you have the L.A. Times writing pieces like, no, it's fine, the economy, we're doing great. It didn't hurt anybody."

Miller went on to discuss how the left has a niche for "cherry-picking data," claiming they're not taking into account the "long-term damage" the lockdowns have played on children who have been "kept out of schools thanks to teacher’s unions."

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