Safir: We really have to do something about taking back New York City
Former NYPD commissioner Howard Safir calls for a return to broken windows and stop-and-frisk policing on 'Your World.'
Former NYPD commissioner Howard Safir dubbed the Brooklyn subway shooting "a domestic terrorist attack" Thursday on "Your World."
HOWARD SAFIR: … [I]t is a domestic terrorist attack. And I think it's great because based on the bail reform law in New York, if he had been taken to the district attorney's office in Manhattan, he'd probably be back out on the street. So I think prosecuting him separately is a terrific move.
Crime is up in just about every category in New York. Shootings are up. And what really disturbs me is the collateral damage that's happening from these criminals with guns - killing teenagers, innocent women, people just walking on the street. We really have to do something about taking back this city. We did it in the late '90s and 2000s. We can do it again. But Mayor Adams has got to get a real strong backbone and not listen to the loudest voices. We need to go back to broken windows. We need to go back to stop, question and frisk. And we need to send a message which is not being sent now to criminals that if you commit a crime, you're going to get arrested, and you're going to stay in jail.