Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume sat down with Chris Stirewalt and Jared Halpern to share his predictions ahead of Monday night's upcoming Iowa caucuses.

"Well, let's assume Bernie [Sanders] does as well as we imagine he will and as the polls suggest he's going to do. There will then be an effort to try to stop him," Hume said on Monday's "Fox News Rundown."

Hume was responding to earlier remarks from the candidate, who boldly predicted victory at a campaign rally and concert in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Saturday night.


"It'll be fun to watch him [Sanders] try to do it because, you know, the Democrats, obviously, they don't want to nominate Bernie Sanders," Hume continued.

Stirewalt said a Sanders nomination would indicate a form of resistance from within the Democratic party.

"The Bernie phenomenon is a lot like Trump in the Republican Party," he said.

"The chaos is a feature, not a bug. They like it. They're mad at the Democratic Party. They think they got screwed over last time. They're angry at how this works. And they think that they're doing the wrong things," Stirewalt explained.

Fox Radio's Jared Halpern said he is closely monitoring Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar's performance in the state, saying she has "the most to gain, [or] the most to lose from Iowa."

"Yeah," Stirewalt agreed. "Her road either widens from here or ends. She's almost said as much herself. She's from a neighboring state. She has campaigned intensely here. A hot dish, dinners for supporters. And she has really been about that."

As far as Joe Biden goes, Hume said it's only a matter of time before the candidate drops out of the race.

"Biden, to me, looks like a guy who is wobbly on the ledge of a high building," he said. "And we keep expecting that he's going to go splat. And it hasn't happened yet."

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been notably absent from the early-state nominating contests in Iowa, focusing instead on the states that award their delegates on March 3, a date known as Super Tuesday.

Despite his low polling, Stirewalt cautioned against discounting Bloomberg just yet.


"If Biden looks weak coming out of February, Michael Bloomberg is sitting pretty in California, in Massachusetts, in Texas, and especially with the new delegate apportionment rules that the Democrats have," he said. "Bloomberg could soak up a ton of delegates and make Milwaukee really interesting."

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