Fox News host Brian Kilmeade slammed Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman's fitness for the U.S. Senate on "One Nation with Brian Kilmeade."

BRIAN KILMEADE: The protection racket in politics is playing out right before our eyes. Now we know this because we've seen it all before. It's been a while. The year is 1919, and I'm talking about World War I, just finished. Woodrow Wilson suffers a severe stroke, leaving him incapacitated. No one knew until years later that this was going on. His wife, Edith, actually shielded Wilson and embarked on bedside government. She ran the whole entire administration without telling anybody. 


Meanwhile, another story, the 32nd President of the United States, FDR. FDR, of course, suffered from polio and lost the ability to walk at the age of 39, roughly. He went on to win four presidential elections in a row, all while in a wheelchair. But many didn't even know he had a wheelchair. In fact, most of the country didn't. He hid his disability, devising a method of walking in which he used a cane or leg braces or someone's arm for balance. His administration even suppressed pictures of him in a wheelchair and had Secret Service destroy those pictures taken by some rogue journalists. 

A photo of Joe Biden speaking with John Fetterman

President Joe Biden speaks with Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman at Pittsburgh International Airport. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Fast-forward to the sixties, John F Kennedy. He had a debilitating back injury that many didn't even know about during his years in the presidency. He actually wore a back brace and was treated with a slew of opiate painkillers, lidocaine shots, tranquilizers. Can you believe this? You would think there is no way these protection rackets could actually happen in this day and age with all this media and cameras everywhere. But you'd be wrong. 


For example, a pandemic forced a 77-year-old Joe Biden into the basement where he could hide some of his faults and his failings. With just two debates to reform that and his drive-in movie theater appearances, Biden made it to the White House, and as the gaffes piled up, the media covered up.


Listen, John Fetterman is not well. It's crystal clear to anyone who watched that debate this week, or if you just watched that for the first time, he won't take any questions from the press. He holds an event, they don't last more than 10-minutes. And what makes it worse? He will not release his medical record since his stroke. 

John Fetterman, Dr. Mehmet Oz during a debate

Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman particpates in a debate with his GOP challenger Dr. Mehmet Oz on October 25 in Harrisburg, PA. (NewsNation)

He is not fit for the job as Senator, but his enablers are going above and beyond to protect him and cover up for.


The protection racket needs to stop. We can have... candidates, it's okay, controversial candidates, always, even radical candidates, sometimes. But we can't have incapable candidates, and we must just understand that Fetterman in Pennsylvania cannot do the job. 


And it becomes increasingly clear that neither can the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.