‘Fox News Primetime’ host Brian Kilmeade's blistering opening monologue Friday tore into the Biden administration's proposed payments to illegal immigrants, the governmental dependence fostered by the social spending bill and more.


BRIAN KILMEADE: We start in Washington, D.C., where it's becoming increasingly clear that the Democratic Party doesn't give a damn about you. You got Americans becoming increasingly concerned about education, their children, inflation, chaos at the border and gas prices. But what is happening in Washington? Democrats aren't even listening or even pretending to. It doesn't look like their agenda matches up to, I don't know, anybody's agenda except theirs. Massachusetts rep, for example, Ayanna Pressley’s office phone has been set to voicemail for the last 18 months. And one of the things she says is she listens to her constituents. Well, I hope her constituents haven't needed anything for the last 18 months. Like, I don't know answers on why the grocery so expensive gas is double and a whole lot more like the supply chain and Christmas.


She doesn't care what the people who actually elected her have to say, or if they even have a road to drive to, right? Instead, she's just following the lead of AOC and the other squad members, progressives as they try to push through this massive spending bill that reads more like a progressive wish list – which they currently can't even approve because there's not enough of their wishes granted on that list – which is over 1600 pages. It seems like the government is doing everything possible to make you dependent on them.