Texas border residents said Friday they may have to "fend for themselves" and believe the border crisis will escalate with the expiration of Title 42. 

Texas rancher John Sewell, Border Patrol wife Alison Anderson and retired Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer Rosa Arellano joined "Fox & Friends" to discuss what they have experienced in their border communities and why they do not see it "getting any better." 

"Unfortunately, I don't see it getting any better. I can't believe the American people are just sitting by watching this unfold. I've never been more disgusted in the direction of our country, almost to the point of homelessness," said Sewell, speaking from outside on his property near Uvalde.


Border Patrol agents

A U.S. Border Patrol agent speaks to immigrants blocked from entering a high-traffic illegal border crossing area along the Rio Grande in El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 20, 2022, as viewed from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (John Moore/Getty Images)

"It's a huge concern, especially with our children here," said Anderson, who lives in the Del Rio area. 

"Everything that this administration has done has not brought numbers down. They just continue to go up. And that's going to affect us here in our small community and in our backyard." 

Arellano, speaking from Eagle Pass, said residents are increasingly concerned that Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed with the number of illegals that are getting through in between ports of entry. 

Her concerns increased when President Biden acknowledged this week that the border situation would become "chaotic."

"Once we heard that word, ‘chaos,' it was like, oh snap, things are really going to go bad," she told Steve Doocy. 

Sewell described how the increase in migrants has affected his property. 

"They impact us on a daily basis. We have problems with our fencing, problems with all our infrastructure, our water wells, in particular, get a lot of pressure. They try to pull the wires out of them, so they can charge their phones. It's just an everyday problem," he said.

Anderson shared how the crisis has impacted her family personally, including trespassing and vandalism of her property.

"We've had everything from DPS [Department of Public Safety] pursuits, and on our property, I've had aggressive, male illegals show up at our house making demands, and we've had groups up at our daughter's bedroom window knocking on the window," she said.

Anderson said some of the people coming through are "bad people" that have criminal histories.

"The intentions that they have are one of my greatest concerns because they have bad intentions. These are bad people that are coming through here with criminal histories. It's a serious concern," she said. 

Arellano discussed the stress of obtaining medical services due to the crisis. 

"We cannot depend on our local E.R. anymore because we know if we go, we're going to be waiting for even longer periods of time than we're already used to from the past. And we see how they're getting priority over us. So we're having to make the extra two or three hours to San Antonio to go ahead and seek medical attention. So it's pretty sad," she said. 

The Biden administration is telling Americans to prepare for a "chaotic" period at the southern border, as the U.S. faces a potentially historic migrant surge with the ending of Title 42 — with officials saying that it will be a while before the plan to cope with the surge shows results.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has adamantly refused to describe the situation at the border as a "crisis," was asked what Americans should expect in the coming days. He noted that Border Patrol facilities are already packed as agents encounter over 10,000 migrants a day.


Fox News' Adam Shaw contributed to this report.