Biden senior adviser defended the president prioritizing his climate agenda on Wednesday's "Special Report," claiming extreme weather is going to "get worse before it gets better unless we take significant action."

MITCH LANDRIEU: First of all, you don't get to pick the controversies that are in front of you. The president has to deal with a lot of things at one time. It's not now, it's been with us for quite a long time. Today, 100 million people in the United States of America, if you go outside are suffering from extreme heat. If you think about the wildfires that are coursing across the west, the hurricanes, we're in hurricane season in the southern part of the country, the tornadoes. I think everybody knows that we have a challenge with the consequences of extreme weather. And this is not going to go away. It's going to get worse before it gets better unless we take significant action. And I think the president basically was uttering today that he's going to use the power that's vested in him and the presidency to actually do what needs to be done if Congress will not act or won't act as soon as he thinks they should. 


Prices in the country are the number one problem, and inflation and the president knows that and he works on that every day. Secondly, the president has been working very hard on crime and is going to talk about this extensively again for the third or fourth time in the last couple of weeks and is working on that. But he's the president and he has to work on everything. If you ask people about climate, that's one thing. But if you ask them about the hurricane that's barreling down on them, the wildfire that's about to bring that home, the heat that's exhausting them and their families, they'll say, you know what, we've got a real problem and we have to fix that, too. And so the president is the president of everybody in America, and he's the president of all the issues, and he's got to deal with them.