Dana Loesch says Biden must provide transparency to a reported $5.2 million in unexplained income Tuesday on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

DANA LOESCH: This is cash that they need to be completely transparent about. Even though there was that window where he [Biden] wasn’t in D.C., there was the leveraging of the vice presidential office. If you remember, there were a number of times that Hunter Biden’s business associates were on the White House visitors logs visiting Obama-Biden and meeting with Biden and meeting with the vice president’s office. He was leveraging those relationships. He's pretending to be a nice, forgetful papa. Everyone remembers how mean he [Biden] was during the Reagan years. Everyone remembers how mean he was when he was questioning Clarence Thomas. They know how he made this money. He's playing dumb about it, and they are trying to leverage Hunter Biden’s inappropriate activity. You wanted this office. You get the transparency that comes with it.