Biden needs to re-open energy sources, make US independent again: Rubio

He compares it to 'religious zealotry'

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told "Hannity" that President Biden needs to re-open the Keystone Pipeline to successfully become energy independent and make sanctions against Russia effective.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Well, that happened because these people have a radical agenda. Europe made the same decision. But these people have a radical agenda. And the moment he stepped into office, I think within two days of being there, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline. No more leases on federal lands, all kinds of new regulations that really make it difficult to fully utilize our energy resources. This is the agenda these people — you want to understand it? You put it at the beginning of the program, John Kerry is out there saying, "I hope we don't pay too much attention to this war because that means we're not going to be getting attention paid to my, you know, my climate emergency." It's almost like religious zealotry, except their religion, their God is all this climate change stuff. And the result is, you know, we now have children in charge of these major geopolitical movements making silly, ridiculous decisions. And Vladimir Putin doesn't live in that world. He's making calculated decisions and our country is being hurt by this.


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