Watch: Biden says impeachment probe would be a 'tragedy' of Trump's 'own making'

Former Vice President Joe Biden suggested on Tuesday that President Trump would only have himself to blame if he faces impeachment.

"Congress should demand the information it has the legal right to receive," Biden said Tuesday during a speech in Delaware. "If the president does not comply with such a request of the Congress, if he continues to obstruct Congress and flout the law, Donald Trump will, in my view, leave Congress with no choice but to initiate impeachment. That would be a tragedy but a tragedy of his own making."

Trump, on Tuesday, announced that he would release the full transcript of his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is at the center of the latest controversy Democrats have cited in their push for impeachment.

The administration reportedly suppressed a whistleblower seeking to report on Trump and Zelensky's phone call, which reportedly involved the president repeatedly urging his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate Biden, the frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nomination. Trump has denied any quid pro quo for foreign aid, but Democrats have portrayed the call as a second attempt for Trump to welcome outside interference in a presidential election.


Biden called on Trump to release the full whistleblower report to Congress and comply with other congressional requests. The administration has stonewalled congressional investigations by refusing to comply with subpoenas surrounding the Russia investigation.

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While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has repeatedly resisted calls for impeachment, the Ukraine controversy appeared to change her mind. Fox News has confirmed that the speaker planned to announce a formal impeachment inquiry at 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday.

Trump has used the whistleblower controversy to refocus attention on accusations surrounding Biden and his son Hunter's business dealings. Biden allegedly tried to pressure the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was probing a firm tied to his son.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing in the call with Zelensky, insisting that he never engaged in any quid pro quo for foreign aid.


Fox News' Chad Pergram contributed to this report.

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