Will Cain, co-host of "Fox & Friends Weekend," said Thursday that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris acted as "accomplices to a race hoax" by amplifying the Jussie Smollett "melodrama" to score political points.

"I think everybody in this entire melodrama is playing for their own benefit," Cain told Tucker Carlson. "Joe Biden and the American media, Kamala Harris…they were not coned, they weren’t duped in my mind," he said. "They were accomplices to a race hoax with Jussie Smollett."

Actor Jussie Smollett departs the Leighton Criminal Courthouse after day six of his trial in Chicago. 

Actor Jussie Smollett departs the Leighton Criminal Courthouse after day six of his trial in Chicago.  (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast  |  AP Photo/Cheryl Cook)


Biden's public defense of Smollett's innocence resurfaced on Thursday after the Empire actor was found guilty on five charges of staging a hate crime and lying to police.

"What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country," Biden tweeted at the time. "We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie."

Vice-President Kamala Harris also believed Smollet’s story and posted about it on Twitter calling the alleged attack an attempted "modern day lynching."

"Smollett incentives were clear," Cain said. "He could only achieve so much fame by starring in "Empire." He played to the incentive of America which is to be a victim of a race crime to put you on the highest pedestal. So did Joe Biden and the America media," he said.

Biden rushed to support Smollett because the actor's account of the alleged attack "played into something that confirmed their worldview as heroes in this racist country," Cain argued.

Biden and Harris "played it for their own benefit. And both were perfectly willing to sacrifice the victims of real race crimes and sacrifice tearing this country apart along racial lines for their own benefit and validation," he said.

Neither Biden nor Harris has offered any corrections or made any public attempt to clarify their statements in light of the actor's guilty verdict.


Outside court, special prosecutor Dan Webb called the verdict "a resounding message by the jury that Mr. Smollett did exactly what we said he did."

Smollett "wreaked havoc here in the city for weeks on end for no reason whatsoever,"  Webb said, "then compounded the problem by lying under oath to the jury."

The charge is a class 4 felony that carries a prison sentence of up to three years.