Three former Trump White House advisers responded to President Joe Biden labeling his predecessor's political movement and supporters the "most extreme political organization that's existed in recent American history."

Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway pointed to the first part of Biden's presidency, remarking that he and the Democrats "basically unraveled [Trump's] accomplishments" in "less time than it takes to have a baby."

She added that host Sean Hannity showed via what she dubbed his "montage of lunacy" that leftists are resorting to incitement to force a political end in terms of intimidating Supreme Court justices to uphold the Roe v. Wade decision.

"It should not be an occupational hazard to work at the United States Supreme Court as a justice or to be a family member of one of those justices," she said. "It is American to disagree, to dissent, to protest. It is a crime to threaten people's lives."

Biden, Trump.

Biden, Trump.

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows added the MAGA movement is the farthest thing from "extreme" – and instead is a consortium of Americans from the Democratic and Republican Parties as well as unaffiliated voters, who share a commonality in their belief in American greatness and potential.


Instead, he said, Americans are dismayed when Biden's side of the spectrum "politicize[s] the Supreme Court," progressives should be denounced for attacking American institutions.

Fellow former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus later added Biden is once again fulfilling the far-left mantra that everyone wearing a MAGA hat is a White supremacist.

FILE - In this Jan. 20, 2017, file photo,President Donald Trump, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, signs his first executive order on health care in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. After years of objecting to President Barack Obama’s use of executive power to work around Congress, President Donald Trump and Republicans allies have all-but abandoned their public complaints about checks-and-balances and embraced the go-it-alone strategy to fast-track their dismantling President Barack Obama's policies. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

Priebus, Trump. (Associated Press)

"These are the tactics of liberals in America," he said. "The good news is, I think Americans are starting to reject these tactics."

Priebus said Biden's side is continuously acting confrontational toward people who disagree with their political views, labeling CRT opponents racists, or Americans wary of COVID mitigation orders "science deniers", and letting Big Tech deplatform opposing views.


Supreme Court protest

Protesters. (AP Photo/Anna Johnson)

Violence from Black Lives Matter and Antifa is the true extreme behavior, he suggested, adding that such activities are the "tactics embraced by liberals."

Hearkening to socialist activist Saul Alinsky, Priebus noted there is a part of his "Rules For Radicals"guide that seeks to "find ways to intimidate, marginalize and and and isolate and punish individuals that espouse opinions that you don't agree with."

"It's embedded in what they believe and how they operate. So this is not a surprise.