Biden's budget proposal punishes America: Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy revealed what issues Biden's proposal focused on

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy picked apart President Biden's budget proposal Tuesday on "Hannity."

KEVIN MCCARTHY: All [Biden]'s ever done is make every crisis even worse. And what's worse, Sean, is look at the budget that he just produced. You know, they say the budget is about their values. Never once in this president's budget does he mention the inflation crisis, the border crisis, the debt crisis, nor does he mention parents. 

But … he mentions the climate crisis 33 times. He mentions "tax," "fee," "penalties" 120 times. It just shows really where their values are and how unserious they are. But what's worse about this budget, where he's talking about "gasoline price so high" - he taxes $45 billion in tax for anybody doing energy production. So what does that mean? America gets punished. Your gasoline prices go higher. And our enemies around the world that produce oil and gas are going to make taxpayers' money pay for that. 


What we just came off of - and Newt Gingrich was there - we just did our retreat in Florida. Building our commitment to America, where the parents have a bill of rights, where the border will be secure, where America will be energy independent - not just energy independent, but dominant. We will curve the inflation that the Democrats have brought forward. Balance our budget to be able to move forward. 


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