Democrat lawmaker says Biden administration was 'absolutely right' to make Putin's plan public

Adam Smith reveals what the Biden administration did right, and wrong, in handling rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., discussed the ‘dangerous’ situation at the Ukrainian border and what the Biden administration did ‘absolutely right’ in handling the situation on ‘Special Report.’

ADAM SMITH: Once you see what comes out, you do sort of the after action report. I think the Biden administration did one thing absolutely right, and that was to make this very public because I think Putin's plan was … the false flag operation … to make it look like this was a defensive move that they were attacked first. So to shine a bright light on the fact that that's not happening, this is Putin's decision, whether or not he chooses to start this war. I think that helps. It brings international community pressure on top of them … you go back and look to certainly … President Biden's comments about a limited incursion didn't help … but overall, the administration has been pretty clear and coherent in their message on sanctions, getting military support to Ukraine, crucial in shoring up our NATO allies Poland, Romania, the Baltic states in the region to show Putin that if he does this, he's going to get NATO more into Eastern Europe, not less. I think that's the best they could do in a very difficult situation.


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