Ben Domenech: It 'boggles the mind' that Republicans aren't defending 'symbols of national pride'

Domenech calls on the Republican Party to protect America's heritage

The Federalist's publisher Ben Domenech is calling on members of the Republican Party to step up and defend symbols of American heritage and history.

In a Wednesday interview on the "Brian Kilmeade Show" with host Brian Kilmeade, Domenech said that he was tempted to walk into the Senate Republican conference and ask them, "What happened?"


"I mean, this is a situation where nobody is standing up with the president on this. And, it boggles the mind because these people wrap themselves in the flag and they talk about defending the Founders and things like that when they want to raise money," he pointed out. "But, then it's like, you actually have a situation where you need to stand up and defend them and you're not doing it."

Kilmeade noted that only a handful of senators — including Mike Lee, R-Utah, Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark. — had spoken out after rioters and agitators started toppling statues and defacing monuments amid nationwide protests against police brutality and the death of George Floyd.

Domenech explained that in a Friday Oval Office interview with President Trump, the president had remarked that he believed Republican members are "nervous about being called racist" and are "being too politically correct."

On the same day, the president signed an executive order enforcing laws prohibiting the desecration of public monuments, the vandalism of government property and recent acts of violence. It also provides assistance for protecting federal statues and withholds financial support tied to public spaces from state and local governments that have failed to protect public monuments and withdraws federal grants for jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies that fail to stop their desecration.

"But, whatever the motivation, this is a situation that is unacceptable," he asserted.

"I do not like a situation, Brian, when it's people like you, it's people like Tucker on your network, who are standing up and defending these things, and we have elected officials with actual power to do things who are not standing, locked arms with the black and brown members of our working-class police force across the country and defending these symbols of our national pride, our cultural heritage that we ought to defend against this raging leftist woke mob," he told Kilmeade.


"It's unacceptable to me," Domenech reiterated. "People need to [change] their mindsets on this and stop paying attention to what the media would like them to say. They need to start paying attention to what history demands of them and what our heritage is in terms of defending it."

Fox News' Morgan Phillips contributed to this report.

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