Ben Domenech slams the Biden administration: Treating foreign lawbreakers better than the American people

The central question is: 'What are you willing to do about it?'

Ben Domenech criticized the government's handling of the southern border crisis Tuesday on "Fox News Primetime," saying the situation is "chaos being exploited by violent criminals who seek to profit even as they harm America."

BEN DOMENECH: If you are watching tonight, I trust you are wide awake to the challenges before us as a nation. Once again, we confront an out-of-touch elite seeking to dominate us in every respect, even as they hold on with brittle fingers to the power they have so long enjoyed and abused. They want to compel you into silence about all the wrongs you see - gaslight you into believing things that are not true or make you out to be a hateful, ignorant bigot for believing things are true.

The central question before you is: What are you willing to do about it?

Illegal immigrants carrying a virus that represents a supposedly existential threat are being released into small American towns all along the border, often without the knowledge of local authorities. 

Make no mistake: The Biden administration is now treating foreign lawbreakers better than the American people. Millions of law-breaking foreigners are just walking over the border and being given taxpayer-funded bus tickets and medical care and schooling while American kids are being denied such things as Democrats pushing for more lockdowns.

Does it bother you that terrorist cartels are more competent at running the border than our own government? That babies and children are being drowned in the Rio Grande and trafficked into sex slavery being the "civilized" party is back in charge?

You are supposed to be comfortable with the government the elites give you, which will use emergency powers to keep you masked up, locked down, and prevent you from buying seeds… but will do nothing to stop the cartel-benefitting anarchy at the border.


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