Venture capitalist Blake Masters recently announced a run for U.S. Senate against Democrat Mark Kelly, telling "Tucker Carlson Today" Kelly's party "overplayed its hand" with incessant attempts to convince their opponents their policy disagreements make them racist or -phobic in some way.

Kelly, 57, a retired NASA astronaut and husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., defeated incumbent Sen. Martha McSally in an election that left the Grand Canyon State without a Republican senator for the first time since 1953.

Masters, 35, told host Tucker Carlson that he’s worried about his children’s future in a declining America, and decided to run for Senate to stave off threats from Big Tech – as someone very familiar with that industry.

Masters is a protege of German-American tech mogul Peter Thiel, a rare supporter of Donald Trump's in Silicon Valley.

The Democrats, he told Carlson, have been so persistent in their cries of ‘racism’ that people like himself and part of the electorate are becoming numb to the epithets:

"People now are like, oh, well, no matter what I do, no matter what I say, the Left is going to call me racist. They're going to call me White supremacist, they're going to call me sexist," he said.

"It's just bunk, you know, so I think the left has overplayed its hand now. And I think now we're finally ready to see a generation of politicians who are basically not going to be afraid of their own shadow."

He also took issue with Republicans who have continued championing what he called a "Reaganite dogma" of free trade over fair trade. That mistake, he said, has been a boon for countries like China that essentially ignore international norms.

"It was important to have free trade and to have capitalism prevail over socialism. Back in the 1980s when we actually had a socialist threat in the USSR; people today haven't updated. They haven't gotten the memo," he said.

"We were nice to China in the ‘80s. We wanted them on [our] side versus the Soviets’. And that made sense then, but then as soon as the [Berlin Wall] falls, as soon as the Soviet empire is defeated, we don't course-correct."

"And you have politicians in the '90s -both Republicans and Democrats, by the way - who just continue to enable the rise of China."


Masters added that, while viewed as "cool" for decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has become "an arm of the Democratic Party."

"It wasn't cool just because it was cool guys in jackets with guns solving crimes. It was cool because it had a sense of integrity to it. And now it's just become completely corrupt. It's basically an arm of the Democratic Party," said Masters.

Kelly, finishing the term of the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. -- subsequent to the interim special election when he defeated McSally -- will seek reelection in 2022.

Kelly's seat is one of a handful viewed as in-play to swing, also including Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock's in Georgia, an open seat in Pennsylvania subject to the retirement of Republican Sen. Patrick J. Toomey, and Republican Sen. Ron Johnson's in Wisconsin.

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