The group that sets the standards for medical education recently released standards that force students to study and apply ideology typically pushed by the far-left while integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into formal curricula. 

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) published the New and Emerging Areas in Medicine series to help students benefit from "advancements in medical education over the past 20 years," and the third report from the collection "focuses on competencies for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)."

The report notes that recent medical school graduates must demonstrate "knowledge about the role of explicit and implicit bias in delivering high-quality healthy care," "describe past and current examples of racism and oppression," identify "systems of power, privilege and oppression and their impacts on health outcomes" including "White privilege, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious oppression" and "articulate race as a social construct that is a cause of health and health care inequities."


Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Chair of Do No Harm

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a board-certified kidney specialist, feels critical race theory will be an integral part of the education of medical students because of the AAMC’s agenda.  (Fox News Digital)

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a board-certified kidney specialist, is the Board Chair of Do No Harm, a group of medical professionals dedicated to eliminating political agendas from healthcare. He feels the AAMC is doing more harm than good with its new standards that he believes will irk the American people. 

"The AAMC agenda means that critical race theory will be an integral part of the education of medical students and this can only lead to discrimination against one racial group vs. another. One of the leaders of CRT, Dr. Ibrim Kendi, has declared that past discrimination can only be cured by future discrimination. I do not think the American people will like this kind of health care," Dr. Goldfarb told Fox News Digital. 

Medical students

The group that sets the standards for medical education recently released standards that force students to study and apply ideology typically pushed by the far-left. (iStock)


"The AAMC sets the standards for medical education," Dr. Goldfarb continued. "This latest set of expectations for the education of medical students and residents is nothing more than indoctrination in a political ideology and can only detract from achieving a health care system that treats all individual patients optimally."

In May, Legal Insurrection’s, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, found that at least 39 of America’s 50 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to critical race theory. 

"The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education. The swiftness and depth to which race-focused social justice education has penetrated medical schools reflects the broader disturbing trends in higher education," Legal Insurrection founder William A. Jacobson told Fox News Digital at the time. 

A stethoscope on a table

A clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School, also found that 39 of the top 50 medical schools "have some form of mandatory student training or coursework" related to CRT. (iStock)


Jacobson, a clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School, also found that 39 of the top 50 medical schools "have some form of mandatory student training or coursework" related to CRT and 38 offered materials by authors Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi, whose books he said explicitly call for discrimination. 

"Mandatory so-called 'anti-racism' training centers ideology, not patients, as the focus of medical education. This is a drastic change from focusing on the individual, rather than racial or ethnic stereotypes," Jacobson said. 

In 2021, the American Medical Association (AMA) committed to utilizing CRT in a variety of ways and criticized the idea that people of different backgrounds should be treated the same. All 50 schools examined by are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which sponsors the Association of American Medical Colleges, which has also taken steps to support anti-racist initiatives, and the AMA. 

Jacobson believes "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion entrenched bureaucracies promote, protect and relentlessly expand their administrative territory in medical schools," but the resources should instead be used "to expand medical knowledge and patient care, not to enforce an ideological viewpoint."


The Association of American Medical Colleges sent Fox News Digital the following statement:

"Our goal, and the goal of every medical school, is to recruit a diverse class of talented medical students and educate them to improve the health of their patients and the communities they serve in an evidence-based manner. Students must learn to consider all factors that affect health. As science advances and we understand more about what impacts health, medical schools will incorporate these discoveries into their curricula.

The AAMC’s responsibility is to work with our member institutions to disseminate effective new curricular approaches based on scientific evidence. With the common goal of achieving better health, we must recognize that changes to medical school curricula based on evolving evidence will ultimately help us achieve that.

The recently released competencies are grounded in the STEM disciplines that are taught in medical school and that future physicians need to care for their patients.  

We have evidence that supports that race is a social construct, and there is a growing body of evidence about what race is and isn’t, and its impact on health. These new insights are improving medical practice and allow us to shift our thinking in medical education to better prepare tomorrow’s doctors.

The medical profession is grounded in the human interaction between doctor and patient and the factors that affect a patient’s health. We have an obligation to address and mitigate the factors that drive racism and other biases in health care and prepare physicians who are culturally responsive and trained to address these issues. Ignoring these facts would be detrimental to being able to provide sensitive, individualized, and medically appropriate care to each patient. The next generation of physicians must have the comprehensive skills and knowledge needed to heal all those in their care."

The article was updated to include a statement from the AAMC.