David Asher: 'China must be pressured financially to cooperate with COVID probe'
Former top State Department investigator David Asher on the push for another W.H.O. probe on coronavirus origins.
Former top State Department investigator David Asher told "America’s Newsroom" on Thursday that China must be pressured financially to cooperate with a coronavirus origin probe. Asher worked in the State Department during the Trump administration investigating the origins of the pandemic.
DAVID ASHER: Unless we adopt a much more coercive strategy of putting pressure economically through sanctions, civil litigation, and other special measures against the Chinese government's intransigence, I don’t expect them to offer any cooperation.
My experience with China, which is over three decades long, is that coercion can work with China especially through the financial system. Their banks are totally dependent on the United States' dollar for their existence. If we start to constrain that, it will put pressure on them. And I expect China to respond positively if pressured.