President Biden has so far taken a strong stance on implementing his green energy policy but Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge is skeptical his plans will amount to anything productive, she told "FOX Business Tonight" Thursday.

Arkansas, along with 13 other states, has filed a lawsuit against the administration over Biden’s "detrimental" oil and gas leasing ban. Rutledge argued the president’s executive action is not only hurting Arkansas jobs but all jobs nationwide.

LESLIE RUTLEDGE: Essentially, President Biden, with the stroke of a pen, canceled new oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and Western states -- new oil and gas leases on federal lands and water. Now, this could be extremely detrimental for the independence of America, for the jobs that are lost. And so that's why I joined with Jeff Landry of Louisiana and our 13 other states to make sure that we are protecting the American energy independence. So that way, the Biden ban doesn't just wipe out jobs and energy independence in America.

This Biden ban on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and water hurts Arkansas jobs. It hurts jobs across the United States, energy independence because what we have to have is national security. And what we can't have is this green new deal and green jobs that are nothing more than a hope and a prayer.

I don't know if Joe Biden and John Kerry came up with these plans on John Kerry's carbon-emitting jet. But they're not working for Americans. They're taking jobs away from Arkansans and American workers."