'Another promise made is kept': Tomi Lahren applauds Trump's decision to remove troops from Syria

"Another promise made is kept," said Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren while applauding President Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops from Syria.

"Whether the neocon Republicans like it or not, President Trump has vowed to withdraw remaining U.S. troops from Syria and should keep his promise to get us the heck out of endless and unwinnable wars," she said on her Fox Nation show "Final Thoughts."

"How many times are we going to stick our noses in the business of other nations before we realize democracy-spreading in the Middle East does not work?"

— Tomi Lahren, Fox Nation host


Lahren was responding to criticism of the President's decision. Since Trump's announcement, a Turkish military offensive in northern Syria has left more than 100 Kurdish forces dead, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey has long-threatened to attack the Kurdish militia in Syria, which it says is linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, which has led an insurgency against Turkey for 35 years.


Trump tweeted Wednesday that the United States should never have been in the Middle East in the first place. He also put the onus on Turkey to stabilize the region and take up arms against any remaining ISIS elements.

"President Trump is spot-on. Why the hell are we risking American lives and resources on a tribal war we have zero business fighting? Enough," she said. "How many times are we going to stick our noses in the business of other nations before we realize democracy-spreading in the Middle East does not work."

"How many times are we going to attempt to pick winners and losers in a civil and tribal war we do not understand and cannot win? Why? Because there are no winners in a war like this -- and even if there were, it wouldn’t be the United States," she said. "Yes, we support the Kurds and their efforts but at what point are we going to stop the hand-holding?"

 "Besides that, we hand the “moderate opposition”  funding, training, American blood, sweat and tears and then what always tends to happen? It blows up in our faces."

— Tomi Lahren, Fox Nation host

"Besides that, we hand the 'moderate opposition'  funding, training, American blood, sweat and tears and then what always tends to happen? It blows up in our faces, sometimes quite literally. "

Lahren also took aim at Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., after Graham said Wednesday on "Fox & Friends" that removing troops from Syria would be "one of the biggest follies of [Trump's] presidency and cause ISIS to reemerge in the region."

"I don’t care what hysterical Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell have to say," said Lahren. "They are beholden to the giant military-industrial complex and while it might make some people very rich, it does nothing to serve our national interests."


Lahren urged the public to focus on issues affecting the U.S. every day, such as the opioid epidemic, homelessness, and immigration.

"We have enough problems right here at home... when are we going to fight for our own interests and protect our own country? We’ve got crumbling infrastructure, an opioid epidemic, veterans living on the streets, and a southwest border that’s being invaded on a daily basis."

— Tomi Lahren, Fox Nation host

"We have enough problems right here at home," said Lahren. "When are we going to fight for our own interests and protect our own country? We’ve got crumbling infrastructure, an opioid epidemic, veterans living on the streets, and a southwest border that’s being invaded on a daily basis."

"It’s not our war to win because it’s not our war, period. President Trump, trust your gut instinct with this one. We shouldn’t be getting entangled in the mess that is Iran, Yemen, Syria or anywhere else," said Lahren.

Reiterating her support for Trump, the Fox Nation host praised the president for delivering on his 2016 campaign promises and told him that "the American people have his back."


"It’s America First! That’s what you ran on, that’s what you campaigned for, that’s what you won on. And the neocon establishment hacks aside, getting us out of these endless wars is a bipartisan goal you should stand behind," said Lahren.

"Don’t let the establishment change your mind," Lahren concluded. "They will turn on you at the drop of a hat and their affection isn’t what you should be vying for. The American people have your back and we want you to stand your ground."

To see Lahren's full remarks and for more episodes of Tomi Lahren's daily commentary offering a refreshing and unfiltered perspective on issues across the country, join Fox Nation and watch "Final Thoughts"  today.


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