Jimmy Failla: Al Gore is an 'apocalyptic preacher'
'Fox Across America' host Jimmy Failla mocks former Vice President Al Gore over his latest environmental rant at the World Economic Forum. He also discusses the recent 'family friendly' drag show at the Los Angeles Zoo.
Jimmy Failla, host of "Fox Across America," sounded off on former vice president and climate activist Al Gore for his latest rant on "rain bombs" and "boiling" oceans at the World Economic Forum. On "Fox & Friends First" Thursday, Failla mocked Gore for making up terms about an issue he argued most Americans don't care about.
JIMMY FAILLA: Al Gore is a clown in normal-sized shoes. You know what I'm saying? He's an apocalyptic preacher. … This is the hook and the grift of climate change, okay? It's their biggest fundraising mechanism in the Democratic Party, but nobody donates if you go, 'eh, the weather's changing.' So you got to be like, 'rain bomb! Cyclones! We're all going to die!' It's a made-up term. … Understand this: Climate change is not really an issue most people care about. And if it was, they wouldn't have had to pass the biggest climate change bill in history under a different name. They called it the Inflation Reduction Act because people cared about inflation, didn't care about climate change. …
And the reason we keep pointing this out. Because every time Fox covers climate change and private jets, there's a reason we come back to this. They're telling you it's a ‘climate emergency.’ It's an ‘emergency,’ and they're making the emergency worse. … So how bad can the emergency be? Not at all. If you're making up terms, you're not winning. … These are guys that ran for president. They wanted power. They couldn't get it. So they're seizing it another way.