Chad Wolf: Biden ‘had no plan' in Afghanistan and created a crisis just like on the border

The Taliban swept through Afghanistan after the US.withdrew its troops

Former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf told "Fox & Friends" on Monday that President Biden had "no plan" to stop the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan and "created a crisis" similar to what has transpired on the southern border.


CHAD WOLF: We always wanted to take the fight to them so that we didn't have another 9/11-style attack in the homeland but what I would say is just as we had warned them what would occur on the southern border, it seems the Biden administration again has no plan and has created another crisis in Afghanistan where it didn't need to be at the end of the day. 

This is about leadership and the way in which we are removing ourselves and withdrawing from Afghanistan didn't need to occur. President Biden needed to have a plan in place to withdraw U.S. assets while still protecting the citizens of Afghanistan as best he could and we don't see that now and so you see that leadership, and the vacuum of leadership I should say, and it's very telling and that at the end of the day though from a homeland security perspective … the safe haven of Afghanistan is going to reemerge for terrorists and would-be terrorists and then how is that impacting the homeland? 

We had intelligence and assets there that could monitor that as we withdraw them as we draw down the embassy, that capability is no longer there and so that gives me pause as I look at threats to the homeland.


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