A. B. Stoddard: 'Too late' for Biden to catch up to Sanders

Ahead of the primary results, RealClearPolitics Associate Editor A.B. Stoddard said it may be "too late" for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden even if he does win South Carolina on Saturday, saying that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is likely too far ahead in his quest to secure the nomination.

"I think it's likely too late. I think that Biden will win South Carolina," Stoddard said on "America's News HQ," adding: "But the idea that he's going to come in with the kind of vote share that the polls suggest. I just don't think is possible."


Stoddard went on to outline the obstacles Biden would have to overcome.

"You have this aggressive, well-publicized Republican campaign to go in if you support Donald Trump, this open primary and vote for Bernie Sanders. Then you have passionate Bernie Sanders followers," Stoddard said. "If Bernie Sanders, having done this four years ago, Bernie Sanders having more money and a better organization, Biden has been limping along with not a lot of money until the last couple of days."

The associate editor also pointed out that Democrats "figured out too late that Sanders had kind of outfoxed them," saying he made them change the rules after the 2016 primary and took advantage of the situation.

Stoddard reacted to President Trump's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) appearance Saturday where he went after his political rivals, Biden in particular.

"Joe's not going to be running the government. He's just going to be sitting in a home someplace and people are going to be running it for him," the president said of a possible Biden presidency.


"It's very obvious to those of us who talk to these campaign experts, Eric, that all along, the contender that the president has feared the most is Joe Biden," Stoddard told host Eric Shawn. "He got impeached for it."

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