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UN votes to suspend Russia from its Human Rights Council

The United Nations General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from its Human Rights Council following global outrage stemming from alleged atrocities committed by Russian troops in Bucha, Ukraine.


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Russia admits its lost 'significant' number of soldiers in Ukraine

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Sky News on Thursday that "we have [had] significant losses of troops [in Ukraine] and its a huge tragedy for us."

Peskov made the remark after being asked about the losses Russia's military has suffered since launching its invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Posted by Greg Norman

Benjamin Hall gives health update following deadly Ukraine attack

Fox News State Department correspondent Benjamin Hall provided a health update following the horrific attack in Ukraine that left two colleagues dead. 

Hall was rescued from the war zone last month and flown to a hospital in Germany. He was later transferred to a premier military medical facility in Texas where he has undergone multiple surgeries. 

"To sum it up, I've lost half a leg on one side and a foot on the other. One hand is being put together, one eye is no longer working, and my hearing is pretty blown… but all in all I feel pretty damn lucky to be here - and it is the people who got me here who are amazing!" Hall tweeted Thursday evening, sharing an image of himself from the hospital. 

Click here to read more on Fox News.

Posted by Fox News

Firefighters across the U.S. donating equipment to Ukraine

A growing number of U.S. fire departments are sending protective gear to their fellow first responders in Ukraine.

Posted by Fox News

WHO confirms more than 100 attacks on health services in Ukraine

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed more than 100 attacks on health services in Ukraine while it urged humanitarian access to Mariupol, Ukraine.

"The attacks so far have claimed 73 lives and injured 51," the WHO said in a statement. "Of the current total of 103 attacks, 89 have impacted health facilities and 13 have impacted transport, including ambulances."

“We are outraged that attacks on health care are continuing," said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who serves as WHO Director-General.

Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge, who serves as WHO Regional Director for Europe, said, "It’s a truly sad irony that we are recording this milestone of over 100 attacks on health in Ukraine on World Health Day.”

“I have been personally struck by the resilience and fortitude of health care providers and indeed of the health system itself in Ukraine. WHO has been working to ensure supply lines remain open to allow lifesaving health and medical supplies to reach cities and towns nationwide, and continued attacks on health make this effort all the more challenging,” Kluge added.

Posted by Jon Brown

'The world is looking to us,' US ambassador admonishes UN regarding Russia-Ukraine conflict

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations, praised the General Assembly's vote to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council on Thursday as "an important and historic moment."

“Right now, the world is looking to us," Thomas-Greenfield said. "They are asking if the United Nations is prepared to meet this moment. They are wondering if we are a platform for propaganda and a safe haven for human rights abusers — or if we are prepared to live up to our highest ideals, enshrined in the UN Charter."

"Today, the international community took one collective step in the right direction. We ensured a persistent and egregious human rights violator will not be allowed to occupy a position of leadership on human rights at the UN."

"Let us continue to hold Russia accountable for this unprovoked, unjust, unconscionable war and to do everything in our power to stand with the people of Ukraine,” she added.

Posted by Jon Brown

'Green Mountain Boys' from Vermont heading to Europe to bolster NATO

National Guard troops from Vermont, also known as the "Green Mountain Boys," will deploy to Europe early next month to bolster the security of NATO.

The Vermont National Guard includes the 158th Fighter Wing, which flies advanced F-35 fighter jets. It remains to be seen what units and how many of them are being deployed to Europe.

"In early May, members of the Vermont National Guard are scheduled to temporarily deploy to Europe under the European Command to enhance NATO’s collective defense and support the NATO Air Policing mission," a spokesperson for the group said.

"These regular deployments, part of a series of standard U.S. rotations in the European Area of Operations, are part of the U.S. commitment to training and interoperability with our European Allies."

"The National Guard is proud to continue to support our allies with ongoing missions. In the past 20 years the National Guard has constituted over 40% of all Army and Air deployments and we are proud to contribute to these current missions in Europe."

Posted by Jon Brown

UN aid chief 'not optimistic' about Ukraine ceasefire

Undersecretary-General Martin Griffiths, the humanitarian chief for the United Nations, expressed pessimism regarding the ability of Ukraine and Russia to achieve a ceasefire after talks between Moscow and Kyiv placed the countries' differences in stark relief.

"I think it’s not going to be easy because the two sides, as I know now ... have very little trust in each other," Griffiths told The Associated Press. "I’m not optimistic," he later said.

Griffiths had been sent by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to both Moscow and Kyiv to discern the possibility of establishing an end to hostilities, but Griffiths maintained that such a goal remained distant.

“Obviously, we all want that to happen. But as you know — you’re here — that’s not going to happen immediately,” said Griffiths.

“This war is not stopping tomorrow,” he said. “Where we are a little bit closer is to get the understanding of both sides ... of what a local ceasefire would affect. There are many parts of Ukraine where we can achieve tomorrow local ceasefires, which are defined in geography and time.”

The United Nations General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council following global outrage stemming from alleged atrocities recently committed by Russian troops in Bucha, Ukraine. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Jon Brown

Russian shelling during war precursor to eastern Ukraine assault, UK officials say

As the U.S. moved Thursday to cut American exports to three Russian airlines and the U.N. General Assembly voted to suspend Russia from the United Nation's Human Rights Council, U.K. officials warned that Russian shelling in Ukraine was a prelude to a greater assault.

Britain's defense ministry says the country is targeting infrastructure to wear down Ukraine's government and military ahead of a renewed attack.

In an intelligence update on Thursday, the ministry said that "progressing offensive operations in eastern Ukraine is the main focus of Russian military forces."

For more on this story: Russian shelling during war precursor to eastern Ukraine assault, UK officials say

Posted by Fox News

Mother staying in Ukraine on Russia's brutality: 'They just want to kill us all'

Olena Gnes joins 'The Faulkner Focus' to react to the atrocities in nearby Bucha.

Posted by Fox News

Fired up European official slams 'ridiculous' Russian sanctions, urges different approach

A European official criticized the continent’s sanctions plan for Russia and urged his colleagues to do more ahead of a vote that supported "full" sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine

Member of European Parliament (MEP) Guy Verhofstadt on Wednesday slammed the governing body’s "ridiculous" approach, which he said "doesn’t work" due to the fact Russia is run by an autocrat and the people have "no real" opinion. 

"That works with a democracy, with democrats, who have a public opinion, a real public opinion," Verhofstadt said. "In Russia, there is no longer a real public opinion." 

He argued that the newest slate hits only a small amount of trade, such as coal, which he claimed only makes up 3% of Russian exports to Europe. He also took aim at attempts to cut off financial access, saying that "half the financial institutions are still outside the ban."

"All the rest will not work," he said. "All the rest will prolong the war." 

For more on this story: Fired up European official slams 'Ridiculous' Russian sanctions, urges different approach

Posted by Peter Aitken

NATO says for the first time it must include China's 'growing influence' in its defense strategy

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday said that for the first time the 30-member alliance will consider China in its defense strategy amid Beijing's refusal to condemn Russia’s war in Ukraine

"We have seen that China is unwilling to condemn Russia's aggression. And Beijing has joined Moscow in questioning the right of nations to choose their own path," Stoltenberg told reporters from NATO’s headquarters in Brussels.

"For the first time it must also take account of how China's growing influence and coercive policies affect our security," he added.

Stoltenberg said the 30-member alliance will announce its new "strategic concept" following the Madrid summit in June. 

For more on this story: NATO says for the first time it must include China's 'growing influence' in its defense strategy

Posted by Caitlin McFall

Belarus wants seat at the table for Ukraine-Russia talks

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Thursday that his country should be included in negotiations about ending the war in Ukraine.

“There can be no negotiations without the participation of Belarus,” Lukashenko said at a meeting Thursday of his national security council. “There can be no separate agreements behind the back of Belarus.”

Russia has launched missile attacks on Ukraine from Belarus and Russian troops invaded Ukraine from Belarus.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Fox News

UN votes to suspend Russia from its Human Rights Council

The United Nations General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council following global outrage stemming from alleged atrocities recently committed by Russian troops in Bucha, Ukraine. 

A total of 93 members of the assembly voted in favor of the measure, while 24 were against and 58 abstained. Those who voted against the resolution included Russia's regional ally Belarus, China, North Korea, Iran and Syria. 

"Russia’s actions are beyond the pale," Ukraine's U.N. ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya said prior to the vote. "Russia is not only committing human rights violations, it is shaking the underpinnings of international peace and security."

Russia’s deputy ambassador Gennady Kuzmin asked members to vote "no."

"What we’re seeing today is an attempt by the United States to maintain its dominant position and total control," he said. "We reject the untruthful allegations against us, based on staged events and widely circulated fakes."

For more on this story: UN suspends Russia from Human Rights Council following alleged Bucha, Ukraine atrocities

Posted by Greg Norman

Ukraine minister responds to video showing shooting of wounded Russian soldier

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told western reporters Thursday they didn’t understand how the atrocities of Bucha have affected Ukrainians after a video emerged depicting a wounded Russian soldier being shot.

"I want to reassure you that [the] Ukrainian army observes the rules of warfare," he said noting that he had not seen the video but added it may have been an isolated incident that will be investigated.

"I want to double-check the date of this video because you should understand one thing – now you will not understand it, I'm sorry. But you don't understand how it feels after seeing pictures from Bucha," he said. "Talking to people who escaped, knowing that the person you know was raped for days. You don't understand how it feels that Russian soldiers rape children. 

"This is not an excuse to those who violate the rules of warfare on either side of the front line," he continued. "But there are some things which you simply can't understand. I’m sorry."

Kuleba’s comments followed questions by a reporter who asked for his reaction to a video posted to social media that depicted two apparent Russian soldiers lying in the road in a pool of blood. 

For more on this story: Ukraine minister says 'you don't understand' pain of Bucha as video shows shooting of wounded Russian soldier

Posted by Caitlin McFall

China accuses US, Taiwan officials of 'playing with fire' with Ukraine comparisons

China on Thursday accused U.S. and Taiwanese officials of "playing with fire" after comparisons between the Ukraine-Russia war have been levied against Beijing and Taipei. 

"There is a new wave of tensions across the Taiwan Strait," Chinese spokesman Wang Webin told reporters. "The root cause is that the authorities in Taiwan keep pushing the independence agenda by soliciting your support and that some in the U.S. attempt to use Taiwan to contain China. 

"They have been colluding with each other," he added. 

The spokesman’s comments come one day after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the Biden administration may be willing to slap sanctions on China should it consider invading Taiwan.

For more on this story: China accuses US, Taiwan officials of 'playing with fire' with Ukraine comparisons

Posted by Caitlin McFall

Russian commander orders soldiers to 'take out' Ukrainian civilians near besieged Mariupol: report

The Ukrainian government on Thursday released what they claimed were intercepted radio recordings of a Russian commander instructing his soldiers to "take out" Ukrainian civilians in Mariupol

The Times of London reported Thursday about the obscenity-strewn recordings released by the Security Service of Ukraine. In one recording, an unidentified Russian soldier says he observed "two people coming out of the grove in civilian [clothing]." He also spotted a vehicle and states he cannot determine whether it’s a civilian vehicle or one operating by members of the Ukrainian military. 

"Take them all f***ing out!" a Russian commander shouts in response, according to the intercepted call. 

"Off them all, f***!" the superior shouted. The soldier accepts the command, saying, "Got it."

The recording was said to have come from a village outside of Mariupol, a city on the northeast coast of the Sea of Azov that’s suffered near constant Russian bombardment since March 1. 

For more on this story: Russian commander orders soldiers to 'take out' Ukrainian civilians near besieged Mariupol: report

Posted by Danielle Wallace

US, Poland to hold joint military exercises near Ukraine border

A State Department source tells Fox News’ Tyler Kendall on Thursday that the U.S. and Poland will hold joint military exercises tomorrow near Rzeszow, about an hour away from Poland’s border with Ukraine. 

President Joe Biden had visited the city during his trip to Europe for a NATO summit in late March. 

“Tactical and fire training at the training ground in Nowa Dęba is to deepen the interoperability of Polish and American troops and to harmonize Polish military units,” the Polish military said in a statement previewing the military exercise. 

Posted by Greg Norman

UN General Assembly votes whether to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council

Click here to watch on Fox News.

Posted by Fox News

Russia responds to US sanctioning Putin’s daughters

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that Russia will “definitely respond, and will do it as it sees fit,” after President Vladimir Putin’s daughters were among those targeted with new U.S. sanctions. 

The U.S. on Wednesday has announced that it is sanctioning Putin’s two adult daughters as part of a new batch of penalties on the country’s political and economic systems in retaliation for its alleged war crimes in Ukraine. 

Peskov told a conference call with reporters that the sanctions “add to a completely frantic line of various restrictions” and the fact that the restrictions target family members “speaks for itself.” 

“This is something that is difficult to understand and explain. But, unfortunately, we have to deal with such opponents,” Peskov said. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Posted by Greg Norman

300 dogs found dead at Ukraine animal shelter, animal rights group says

Hundreds of dogs were recently found dead at an animal shelter in Borodyanka, Ukraine, according to Ukraine animal rights organization, UAnimals.

More than 300 dogs appeared to have starved to death, having been left locked in their cages and other enclosures without food or water, according to a Facebook post from UAnimals.

"A few days ago we were shocked by the terrible news — more than 300 dogs died in the Borodyanka animal shelter," a translation of the Facebook post said. 

"Volunteers who managed to reach the four-legged after the liberation of the village saved only a third of the shelter's residents, most of whom are now in critical condition for treatment."

For more on this story: 300 dogs found dead at Ukraine animal shelter, animal rights group says

Posted by Ann W. Schmidt

NATO urging members to send 'heavier weapons' to Ukraine in fight against Russia

NATO's leader is urging its member countries Thursday to send "both light weapons but also heavier weapons" to Ukraine as foreign ministers are gathering in Belgium to map out the alliance’s next steps in the fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military. 

The plea comes as British intelligence suggests Russian forces are targeting infrastructure in a deliberate bid to sabotage the Ukrainian military’s supply lines ahead of what is expected to be a renewed assault in the country’s east, which has now become Moscow’s main territorial objective after failing to capture Kyiv. 

"I have urged allies to provide further support of many different types of systems, both light weapons but also heavier weapons," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who is in Brussels Thursday for the meeting, also made his focus clear: "My agenda is very simple… it’s weapons, weapons and weapons." 

He reportedly asked for planes, armored vehicles, land-based missiles and air defense systems. 

For more on this story: NATO urging members to send 'heavier weapons' to Ukraine in fight against Russia

Posted by Greg Norman

Putin ally and Chechen leader teases further brutalities as fractures with Kremlin surface

As Ukrainian and Western officials have decried the atrocities witnessed in the Bucha massacre and around Kyiv, a hardened Chechen fighter and close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin has been posting videos to his Telegram channel saying his men stand ready to finish the job in Ukraine.  

Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of the majority Muslim Chechen Republic, has reportedly visited the badly bombarded port city of Mariupol on the Black Sea as Russian troops have pulled back from the capital region around Kyiv and are regrouping to focus their offensive on southeastern Ukraine. 

Western counties upped their sanctions against Moscow Wednesday in an effort to cripple the Russian war machine after photos surfaced showing corpses in civilian clothing lining the streets of Bucha, some with their hands behind their backs and showing signs of rape and torture.  

Defense experts told Fox News Digital signs of such killings are remnants of Chechen fighters or Wagner Group mercenaries who the Kremlin reportedly had been flying into Ukraine throughout the war effort to hunt down and kill Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

Conscript soldiers, regular infantrymen serving in the Russian forces, would be less likely to be trained to round up civilians so efficiently and brutally execute them as evidence in Bucha and around Kyiv suggests.

For more on this story: Putin ally and battle-hardened Chechen leader teases further brutalities as fractures with Kremlin surface

Posted by Danielle Wallace

Russian troops discussed Bucha atrocities over radio, German intelligence agency claims

The Russian troops who carried out the atrocities in the Ukrainian city of Bucha discussed the killing of civilians over the radio, according to Germany's intelligence agency, which claims to have intercepted the radio messages.

The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) presented the findings in parliament Wednesday, the German news magazine Der Spiegel reported. 

Click here to read more.

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

US Senate votes to resurrect World War II-era policy to help Ukraine

The U.S. Senate voted to resurrect the lend-lease program that enabled America to send weapons to Britain and other allies in World War II, in order to bolster Ukraine's effort against the Russian invaders. 

The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022, S.3522, passed the Senate by voice vote late Wednesday. The bill aims "to provide enhanced authority for the President to enter into agreements with the Government of Ukraine to lend or lease defense articles to that Government to protect civilian populations in Ukraine from Russian military invasion."

Click here to read more.

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

Russian troops in 'tent cities,' low morale

Some Russian troops have been placed in "tent cities" on the Russian border with Ukraine and the morale among the Kremlin's forces remains low, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed in a statement.

Soldiers "refuse to participate in further combat in Ukraine," the military office claimed. "The moral and psychological condition of the said personnel is low and tends to deteriorate."

The command of the Russian Armed Forces is struggling to "solve the problem of human resource replenishment of its units," the Ukrainian military added. "Russian military commissaries have activated work with servicemen who were discharged from military service after 2012 and have military accounting specialties of driver, mechanic driver, scout, and junior commanders."

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

FBI disrupts Russian military hackers, preventing botnet

The Federal Bureau of Investigation wrested control of thousands of routers and firewall appliances away from Russian military hackers by hijacking the very same devices Moscow's spies had been using to set up a "botnet" – a network of hacked computers that can bombard other servers with rogue traffic.

"Fortunately, we were able to disrupt this botnet before it could be used," U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said during a news conference.

Read more here.

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

Russian crematoria operating in Mariupol: 'This is the new Auschwitz,' mayor says

The Mariupol City Council on Wednesday accused Russian forces of relying on a mobile crematorium to cover up their alleged war crimes in the southeast port city of Ukraine.

Mariupol, which has been partially occupied for weeks, has been the target of one of the most brutal Russian offensives in Ukraine since the invasion began in February. 

"The killers are covering their tracks," the city council said in several social media posts, adding that the Russians have set up "mobile crematoriums."

"Russia’s top leadership ordered the destruction of any evidence of crimes committed by its army in Mariupol," the council added in a translated statement, accusing Moscow of reacting to widespread condemnation over mass civilian killings in Bucha. 

Humanitarian access to the city has been blocked for weeks, with an estimated 160,000 residents unable to evacuate and lacking access to electricity, heating, health care and water, reported the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense. 

For more on this story: Russian crematoria operating in Mariupol: 'This is the new Auschwitz,' mayor says

Posted by Fox News

Pentagon training Ukrainians to use armed drones

The U.S. military is training Ukrainian soldiers in the U.S. to use armed drones to attack Russian tanks and other armored vehicles, The New York Times reported.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin disclosed the training in House testimony Tuesday. Pentagon officials offered more details on Wednesday about the Switchblade drones and how U.S. officials are instructing Ukrainians to use them against Russian forces.

The U.S. had previously sent Switchblade drones to Ukraine, which one expert told Fox News could be a "game-changer."

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

Read Wednesday's live coverage here.

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

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